Kahoot! game PIN: how to find Kahoot! PIN

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  • I want a refund because I'm dissatisfied. Despite creating 20 questions, I haven't had any success, yet I'm still being charged on my bill, despite already paying it.

  • Hi CDFR2019

    Sorry to hear you're dissatisfied.
    From your description: "Despite creating 20 questions, I haven't had any success" I can't say why you haven't succeeded yet, but I would love to help you succeed and turn you into a satisfied Kahoot! user.

    Please contact us via the support request and we will try to help you: https://support.kahoot.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

  • Hi, I am having difficulty with the Pin question.  I have tested my question twice.  The pins show on the participants phone screen but not on my screen (I have the host).  How do I correct this?

  • Hi ERSRRTeam,
    When you present your kahoot live, you can not see the pin on the screen you're presenting/hosting with - only the players that have joined your game.
    Once they have finished the question, your hosting screen should show the correct area and all the pins the players have added individually.

    See this video and learn more about the amazing pin question type: https://youtu.be/eEqcLHCExzc?feature=shared

  • Is there a way for participants to join a Kahoot once the Kahoot presentation is already started?? 

  • Is there a way to have a pin selected prior to starting the game? I would like to create QR code posters/printouts to the actual kahoot without having to have all participants type in the pin as some may not be able to see the screen at one of my larger events. 

  • Hi carissabasedow
    To your question: "Is there a way for participants to join a Kahoot once the Kahoot presentation is already started?? "
    The answer is: "YES" 🤩
    During a Live kahoot, users can join the running game via the pin information shown in the bottom of the screen during a live kahoot.
    See example below.

  • Hi again carissabasedow
    To your question: "Is there a way to have a pin selected prior to starting the game? I would like to create QR code posters/printouts to the actual kahoot without having to have all participants type in the pin as some may not be able to see the screen at one of my larger events. "

    To answer your question: "The pin code is generated when you start your live kahoot, so you can not get the pin code before starting a game.".

    To offer a few suggestions to solve this here's some inputs you might find useful:

    • You can choose to assign your kahoot for an asynchronous (non-live) kahoot play. Once you assign the kahoot, this will generate a unique link and QR code specifically for this assigned kahoot. Users don't have to type in pin as the link takes them directly to the asynchronous kahoot.
    • Maybe it's possible to create a temporary landing page on a webpage, that you can then create a QR code for. In this temporary landingpage you can inform when the Live kahoot will be played and when the pincode and QR code will be added to this landing page. Then, once you start the live kahoot game, make sure that you update and add the QR code, link and pin code to this landingpage, so users can join it.

  • Joyce

  • Is there a way to play Kahoot with a random person like an online quiz game?

  • Hello! Currently, Kahoot! does not offer a feature to play with random people online like a traditional online quiz game. Kahoot! games are typically hosted by a user who shares a game PIN with participants, who then join the game using that PIN. This setup is designed for live or self-paced games with known participants. However, you can play Kahoot! solo using various solo modes available in the Kahoot! app or web platform. These modes allow you to practice quizzes by yourself or with automatically generated players. If you are looking to play with others, you might consider sharing the game PIN with friends or colleagues to join your game.



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