When I see multiple kahoots that aren't quite what I'm looking for, I'd like to quickly combine just the parts I like. Having a bank where I can store questions from kahoots I find and being able to pullfrom that bank into my own kahoots would be awesome!
Hi all!
We're excited to introduce to everyone our new creator today, which includes a new "question bank" feature!! We believe this will help you make kahoots faster by quickly pulling questions from your own kahoots as well as public kahoots. Big thanks to everyone who's made one or more public kahoots!
Learn about it in this help article or this youtube video.
Hi all!
This is not currently a feature. But be sure to upvote this! Use the up-arrow to the right of the original message to cast a vote.
For now, the closest approximation to this is our spreadsheet importer (Import questions from a spreadsheet). You could use our spreadsheet template as a "question bank" of sorts, adding questions over time. Then when you want to import a certain selection, just duplicate the file and delete the ones you don't want to import. Then upload the template.
Granted, this isn't the full-fledged idea described above. But I think this workaround could be handy.
Agreed. It would be great to be able to combine quizzes and/or duplicate quizzes if you want to expand on what you have, but still keep the original. As I go through the semester and create quizzes for my students, it would be great to be able to combine them into a SuperQuiz at the end of the semester.
Wonderful idea! It would also make it a lot easier to differentiate between classes/semesters/years.
I would also like this feature!!! does it exist?
Is it also possible to download a ready kahoot in a form of a spreadsheet?
Yes!!! I was just trying to combine two from two units last year that have now been condensed into one unit because of a change in standards. : /
This is what I am looking for! Darn!
Agreed. Great idea. I was just trying to do this as well.
Yes, please! I would like to do the same thing.
that would be the easiest solution. If you could download a kahoot into a spreadsheet--wow
Yes please, I am creating several role-based quizzes for several days of training, and need to copy questions between different audience quizzes or move questions from one day to another as the curriculum shifts. For now I have to rebuild the questions and delete them in other places.
Should be implemented as your competitor (Quizizz.com) does have this option available for a longer time already. You can freely (re)use questions from other quizizz into a new quiz or any other existing quiz.
Yep, quizizz offers this: VERY effective, and no payment required for this feature. Get on it Kahoot, at least as part of your plus/pro package.
Yes that would be a great feature
This would be such a helpful feature!
Would use it for sure. I'm creating an end of the year / pre State test Kahoot! and wish I had this feature... googled to see if it was possible and got this blog strand.
I'm sad.
Hope y'all do it soon. My students dig Kahoot! for years now and I'm using it more as an actual assessment tool and downloading a results spreadsheet.
Kahoot! rocks!
When will the test bank feature come back? The function does not show when I create a new Kahoot or edit an existing one. Was the feature live then taken away?? Please help!
I have 300 questions in 10 chapter kahoots i would like to combine in kahoots then delete the ones i do not want how can i do this? I would like to make the question bank only for me!
Any updates on this topic. Quizizz include this option since a long time. Looks like there is not a lot going further!
This really needs to happen! Question Bank as it stands now is "okay" but it doesn't always have all my questions. I just want to look at my questions and build tests that review the previous quizzes!
You must add this fucntion to Kahoot! PLEAAASE!
It is actually possible by combining two kahoots. Put two (or more) kahoots to the same folder, select the ones you want to combine and click "Combine". Then delete the unwanted questions from the combined kahoot.
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