Kahoot! has a set library of countdown music based on the length of each question's timer. These tracks are not always appropriate for the topic or audience.
It would be great if Kahoot! allowed for uploading of my own sound clips that could be played once or on loop during a question countdown timer. Alternatively, if I want no music to play and only want to hear embedded youtube videos, I should be able to toggle that.
Since the countdown music is not currently editable, the closest option is to embed a youtube video that will serve as the background music you want. You can set the start/stop time of the video to be however long you want the question to remain answerable. You can then set each question timer to 5 seconds. You only end up hearing Kahoot!'s 5 second tracks if you've not receive an answer from everyone before the video stops playing. If you'd prefer, you can also use the "skip" button during gameplay to end the question before the Kahoot! music starts. Any answers submitted before using that button will count.
Hi there! It's now possible to mute or adjust volume of music/sound during a live kahoot. The options can be found in the top-right of the screen while hosting. You can learn more about this here.
Please make add at least an on/off option. The music gives me a headache!
I would like to add my own introduction music but not have the youtube video played / visible and have an image displayed instead. At the moment it is not possible to have both. The video itself may not want to be played / seen / appropriate.
I would also really like to be able to turn off the music, since it gets on your nerves and disturbes, when you want to integrate a Kahoot in a presentation where you also want to explain to people how it works, while you are proceeding.
Please include the option for customization of countdown music.
I think I figured it out, rather a student helped me figure it out. Do a right click on the tab at the top of your screen and scroll down to "mute tab". This will allow you to play other music instead of being forced to listen to the Kahoot countdown music. It will even save this option every time you start a new game! Well, at least with a PC with Windows, I'm not sure about Mac's. Hopefully this helps everyone and hopefully the executives at Kahoot won't find a way to ruin this option.
There should be an option to turn off the music, we should be in control of how we would like our sessions to be
Agreed! We would love to be able to use our own custom music, or at least turn it on or off at certain points.
@hinmanw - genius - I muted the tab :)
So the first page can be muted --- great -- - Wondering why the question pages can't be -- I've paid my monthly fee but now find my hard of hearing students that I work with online have trouble with the extra sound -- they can't hear me over the music. I'm a MAC user and it can't find way to mute the tab just yet -- anyone have a suggestions?
On your MacBook, you can click on the tab with 2 fingers at once and that should then give you the option to mute the tab.
I agree with a lot of the team here I think the option of muting the music should be available during the entire session not only the lobby. It would be easier for facilitation so that we can talk through a training and not have to play with the volume button. Our training leverages videos so if we mute the music we have to go back and forth to turn the sound on and off.
I have had instances where I open the page and the tab will already say it's muted but the music starts regardless. If this happens then unmute the tab and mute again and it will be muted. The muting of the tab mutes the lobby and countdown altogether, and you can play music from your Spotify (or whatever you use) instead - if you want. I teach Spanish so I like to play music from Spanish-speaking countries while my students play.
please please turn off the music
I agree, the background music during the countdown is very difficult to work with. I am doing virtual learning now using Zoom and I can't hear my kids when we are doing the question portion. Therefore, they are not enjoying the game because I can't help them.
I assign challenges to my students with clips of sports videos from Youtube and when I tested it on my phone it was so annoying to have the music playing the same time as the videos I used. they are supposed to be learning how to play pickleball or serve a volleyball. Some of the videos are several minutes long. Can you please make the music optional or I am going to use a different platform. I don't think the tab/mute and unmute fix will work for a smart phone.
In these covid-days full off virtual classes the option to mute the Kahoot-music would really be nice. However there is a workaround that is easy to implement (in Google Chrome). Just right-click on the tab in which you are running the Kahoot-quiz and select "Mute Site".
I am using Kahoot to do online teaching. Which means that I'm sharing my screen with them and they are using that screen to play the games. Without the ability to turn off the Kahoot sounds individually, I can't communicate with the kids, because if I shut off my desktop sound, I silence them also! I did get a good tip from the Kahoot people though:
In chrome, if you right click the tab at the top of the screen, you can choose "mute site", and it will silence just that tab.
Thanks hdougwilliams. I'll try it.
I work with children. I need to shut off music for all . They do not have the tech skills to individually mute. The students should not hear music at all. We should be able to talk and hear each other not the music
@mbuesq - I understand the frustration as I was equally frustrated about the music; however the children would not have to mute the site, you can actually do it on your end and that will disable it for all. This is the quick solution until hopefully Kahoot is able to offer this feature for everyone. I see above that someone offered a screen shot on how to do this, it's very simple and then you can give your lesson without the music. Good Luck!
Please an on and off button. Such a good site except for this aspect. As with a couple of the others will return to quizlet or another platform if this isn't fixed.
PLEEEEEEASE add an on/off button. I tried the Chrome mute but then it mutes the video audio as well and I have lots of videos included.
Hmmm.... I never thought about people who have videos with their questions. So, does the countdown music play over the audio for your videos? I don't use videos with my any of my questions, but yeah, this would definitely be a problem. As the videos are embedded in the Kahoot site I don't think there would be any way around that unless you could have them unembedded somehow - like to play outside the site, hmmm....
Yes, the music plays over the videos with their questions. They just need to have an option to turn off the music. My students would rather listen to the video multiple times instead of the music.
Oh I don't think I've had the music play over my videos as everyone can year it, but the music plays as soon as the video has finished if the video goes for 30 seconds but they have 60 seconds to answer.
Please have a volume control instead of just an ON/OFF button, the music does increase the user experience but we want to be able to control it so that we can lower it when we need to speak over ZOOM SHARE and then crank up the music again when we finished speaking...
I have quizzes with music pictures and videos in them but the countdown music is ruining this as they cannot hear the tracks ! HELP muting the window will not help - even just being able to turn it down would work - over zoom they can hardly hear me !
I don't mind the countdown music. In fact, at times, I find myself dancing to it! I would like to have the option to turn it off for my listening comprehension questions though.
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