Is there a way that we can enable students to share the Kahoots that they create with their teachers? Right now, the only way the class can play a Kahoot that a student creates is to allow that student to log on to my (the teacher's) computer. Therefore, I (the teacher) have to be using his account to play the kahoot. Could children be allowed to share with certain other "safe" Kahoot users in the near future? Thank you!
If this is not possible, I would like to be able to delete a report from a student's account so that he does not have access to other student's scores.
I agree that allowing students to share with teachers would be beneficial. If I could create a class, using our board approved email accounts, that could enable sharing between member then I could preview student Kahoots before playing them.
Agreeing with the previous posts, I would like for students to be able to share their work with me. The ability for a student to make a Kahoot as a study guide that once shared with me the class could play the kahoot together, and I could grade the work they have created.
I am going to have to instruct my 7th and 8th grade students to stop making kahoots because they cannot be accessed by their classmates. I understand that Kahoot has created a spreadsheet,that students can fill out, so that I can create and then share their kahoot, but I do not have that kind of time, even if it is the simplest of processes. Making the game is helpful, but playing them with each other is necessary, and that means beyond their time in the classroom.
I'd like my pupils could collaborate to a Kahoot! without using any account.
An idea :
The teacher creates a Kahoot! quiz with no questions but only a title. He writes down a unique identification code (randomly generated).
The student accesses a dedicated page of the Kahoot website and creates his question. Finally he enters the code his teacher has given him. Thus the created question would be associated to the teacher's quiz, who could then moderate the proposed questions.
Keen to be able to have students create their own Kahoots and then share a link with their teacher. Bit strange that this feature isn't available? Im thinking something like the access on google - where you can assign either view or edit access to a given email address.
So, has there been any movement on this?
Especially now that we are not in the classroom, it would be nice to give a student permission to share the kahoot with the teacher. Maybe the teacher has to "approve" the student as their student in order for this feature to work. Pleaseeee
I agree with previous posts.... This would be a great feature!!!
Completely agree! As a final task, some pupils have created a kahoot to consolidate the knowledge learned and now, I realised that I cannot review and correct them if they have created their account under students role. The really enjoy gamification and they were so excited due to their classmates could play their kahoot but...it is not allowed. Please, check this option, I consider quite interesting that students could share their kahoots with their teachers and we can assign them. Otherwise, they will register under teachers role to have all the possibilities.
Please take it into account!
It would be great if students could create a series of Kahoot questions, which I as a teacher could not only view but mark or integrate into a shared kahoot. This was mentioned 4 years ago, and nothing added since in this thread
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