Please let me PUT THEM BACK TO BACK. I teach AP classes, my students are engaged, I don't need a software provider telling me how to engage my students properly... THANKS!
Please let me PUT THEM BACK TO BACK. I teach AP classes, my students are engaged, I don't need a software provider telling me how to engage my students properly... THANKS!
Hi all!
Thanks so much for your continued feedback on this :-)
As of now, you can add slides back-to-back. The restriction of adding a question between slides has been removed.
We've also added a new feature that lets you import slides from ppt/pttx, key, or pdf files.
@CPTLucas......YES!!! I have the same problem! I brought up the same issue in a different thread:
"Bryan" completely ignored it and gave me a pretty weak answer on my other comment. I am trying to use Kahoot! for Adult Learning and the ability to provide multiple slides between questions could be a game changer as to whether or not I decide to continue my subscription!
On another note, I find the fact that there seems to be no way to contact anyone by phone to be a bit of a pain. You would think that a company providing a platform for education would realize that sometimes, an actual conversation, rather than a time lapsed glorified email chain can make a huge difference. We all know that a lot gets lost when only a keyboard is used for communication.
Hopefully they can find a way to help us with our issues.
Allow multiple slides in a row. Don't require a question after each slide! It greatly limits the potential for Kahoot!
Bryan -
Understood, however, I just think that you are limiting how the platform can be used. Would love the ability to create entire presentations on your platform....but it's just not possible the way that it is set up now. If you remove the restriction, it is still possible for those that want the question - slide - question - slide format, but also opens it up for those of us that want a more flexible platform.
I love what you are doing with this platform for the education of our youth and agree that the current format is probably correct for young learners. I just think that removing the restriction would open the platform up to so much more! We use the platform for monthly safety training meetings for adult construction workers and we struggle with making it work. Has Kahoot! given any thought to a second version that is geared less toward child learning and more toward an adult / corporate setting? I truly believe that with a few tweaks this could be an amazing platform.
Back to back, also don't need the 5 second timer before each slide - it adds up quick in a longer presentation/game.
Bryan, While I agree with your aspirations for Kahoot, I think you may not be understanding what people are asking for. I think you should revisit the Kahoot Mission statement: "Our vision is to build the leading learning platform in the world." I guarantee that you will limit your vision if you limit the educators using it.
Anyone actually using Kahoot for a lesson specifically uses Kahoot because it offers that element of fun. I would bet not a single person wanting to be able to have multiple slides back to back want their Kahoot game to consist of pure slides and no fun and engaging polls, questions, or puzzles. Otherwise, we would just simply use Powerpoint, Prezi, or Google Slides. I think what people want is a way to scaffold complex topics to make it easier to chunk to students. This is a foundational principle in educational research and child psychology. Simply put, chunked and scaffolded information is easier to learn. The current Slide, Quiz, Slide, Quiz pattern severely limits the ability of a teacher to introduce complex material. If the concern is removing the fun element, why not consider changing the programming so that there must be the same ratio of slides to questions. For example, if there are three slides, there must be three question types. This would allow a teacher to chunk information while keeping the fun competitive element alive and well. I understand the rationale, but please give us the flexibility to choose what is best for our needs. Paying for a service that sets arbitrary rules on how to use the program may not result in longterm customers.
Consider this, those that want a fun 10-15 min game will rarely use any more than the free version. And there is nothing wrong with that. But those buying the Kahoot Pro, are just that, professionals. We are attempting to utilize Kahoot as more than just a quick game, but an actual learning tool. Kahoot has the potential to become a powerhouse teaching aid that could revolutionize teaching and student engagement. But to simply claim, we want it this way to keep it fun is to assume that only your ways are fun. Teachers use Kahoot to engage students, not to simply make a presentation. But by limiting our creativity, you are limiting student engagement and potential. Please, allow us the flexibility we need to use this amazing program to meet the needs of our students. If not, I plan to simply drop my subscription and build a free Kahoot and embed a Google Slideshow into a YouTube video, then insert it as media in a question and play and pause the video to serve as my presentation, bypassing the whole blockade on using back to back slides, and allowing me to use Kahoot the way that best fits my students needs. Yes, I will go through all that frustration, not to prove a point, but because that is what my students need, a flexible presentation tool that also builds in a way to assess them in a fun way.
that is stupid-- you have an example to not have to much information on one slide-- so i want to cover the point or go over the questions and I have to slam all the info onto one slide--- hypocritical.
A work around (if kahoot is unwilling to accommodate this feature) is to throw in a slide with all correct answers. Unfortunately points then go to whoever has the fastest trigger finger.
Add a vote to the "please add multiple slides" allowance. Maybe add 125 votes = myself and my students.
Hi all!
Apologies that I didn't address this adequately before. Our reasoning to require a question between slides is that we believe what makes Kahoot! unique is fun! We aim to encourage both the audience and presenters to engage with each other. With that said, we're continuing to monitor feedback on slides and may loosen or remove this restriction in the future.
Hi SU_Aaron,
We appreciate that you'd want to use our platform in that way. This restriction exists because we're not confident that a game of only slides offers a superior experience to other tools like PowerPoint, GoogleSlides, or Keynote. For example, what's the benefit of requiring your audience to join on their own mobile devices if they're not asked any questions?
Something that you might appreciate is that we'll be exploring the potential of a PowerPoint integration in the near future. I can't make any promises, but we'll be looking into this and may release something in 2020.
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