I am very disappointed in Kahoot's recent decision to limit quizzes to 100 questions.
I have contacted customer support and they suggested that I posted here in the forum. The response I received from support was something like, "We would imagine most players would like a break after 100 questions." This is missing the point.
The issue for me is not “playing over 100 questions without a small break.” The issue is the lack of variety and randomness of the questions.
Say for example, a teacher wants to review for an upcoming 100-question Final Exam using 250 questions from the five previous 50-question unit tests. The teacher can then randomize the question order so at any moment students might be asked any question from the 250-question bank. The class might only have time to play 50-75 questions, but the variety and randomness of the questions keeps the game engaging and interesting for the students.
Instituting this new 100-question limit hurts my ability to randomly quiz students on a wide range of topics that we have discussed throughout each unit and the overall course. I now have to manually prioritize and select specific questions, reducing the breadth of content that I can review.
I would recommend that Kahoot please reconsider this limit and allow for more questions to be included in a single Kahoot game. Even a limit of 200-300 questions would be a big help. I also wouldn’t mind paying for a Pro account if it was the only way to get a greater number of questions.
My students and I really enjoy everything else about Kahoot and I would really hate to have to search for another platform that does not impose limits such as this.
Hi everyone!
We truly appreciate your patience on this and thank everyone for the feedback on this improvement.
We are excited to announce that the number of questions/slides you can include in a single kahoot has been increased from 100 to 200. This update allows for more comprehensive and engaging quizzes, perfect for extended learning sessions, in-depth reviews, and large-scale events.
Best regards,
Kahoot! team.
I totally agree! I too would pay for an upgrade if I could have more questions.
I completely agree. I have older kahoots that I want to revise and play with my students but because they have over 100 questions right now, if I edit them, then I'm going to have to delete more questions than I'd like to fit within the limit. This sucks. I'll probably just make a quizzizz or quizlet now.
Why is Kahoot! Deciding for us, the customers, how many questions is the point at which students will “need a break”? If that really is the reason for the 100 question cap, then you need to stay in your lane and let the users/customers/teachers decide for themselves and their audience/students what the maximum questions on a test should be. I have no problem paying for a subscription, even a premium (top tier) subscription for years to come, including recommending this app to others (the best form of marketing is recommendations/referral! 😉), so long as I have the latitude to create MY tests as *I* see fit. Please remove the question limit, or all the work I have just done will all be for naught. I will then cancel my account, give a very poor rating & review in the Apple App Store, and verbally steer people away from this app; because I have literally spent hours/days working to create a test and if all of that work, time, energy, etcetera has been a complete waste, then I’m damn sure going to be VERY vociferous about it!!
its disappointing to stop at 100, extend it so we can help benefit students, have fun with family and friends, and see who knows most is trivia for party games and such. It'd be beneficial to many.
Totally agree especially with the online teaching we are doing now.
I would like to agree with the previous posts. I have always been a staunch supporter of Kahoot!, well before it was as popular as it is now. I am very upset with the 100 question limit. I have several Kahoots! that are over 100 questions, but cannot even copy/edit them now due to this new limit. PLEASE change this. We, their teachers, should get to decide how many questions to give OUR students.
Please increase the limit!
Please increase the limit, especially for paying customers. I have a Pro membership and feel as though a limit should be played on free accounts only.
Terrible decision to limit to 100 questions. really poor.
PLEASE increase limit. Also, please add feature to allow us to PAUSE a game, and return to it later like next day. The times definitely call for these features to be added.
My organization was planning to use the Challenge format as part of our competition with a bank of 300 questions. Randomized and limiting how long the quiz was available. Having a 100 question limit is going to make us change what we are using. So sad as we were excited to use the Challenge function.
I would like to add my support for an increase in the 100 question limit. I teach Japanese and would like to create a quiz asking the students to translate the Japanese "alphabet" (Hiragana - 46 "standard" characters plus accented and blended) to the English alphabet and vice versa.
I can do this in Blooket but not Kahoot.
I don't even mind if the limit is lifted only for paid accounts. I was considering getting a subscription but now finding out about this limit you've lost a potential paying customer.
Agreed! This is kind of absurd to make that decision for people! I add questions as the semester goes on from each top and build up my question bank. We play every Friday so they are able to see all the questions eventually and be prepared for the final.
I wanted to use Kahoot to alternate slides and questions for a training.
This limit ruins everything and now I have to change the tool.
Has anything changed in 5 years? I was looking today for how many I can do. I definitely need more than 100.
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