Create and play
Scheduled Challenges (Start Date and Time)
Suppose I’d like to create a self-paced challenge for tomorrow at 5pm but won’t have time to go on the internet tomor... -
Can we please allow the teacher to increase the font size! ?
I've emailed about this feature around two years ago and it's driving me nuts. I teach Chinese, and the characters ar... -
Allow disconnected players to rejoin with their prior score
BACKGROUND If a player disconnects from a kahoot, their screen will display a circling animation while it attempts to... -
Randomize questions in assigned kahoots
I use kahoot to get my kids to review for tests. I count it as a grade and allow them to do it multiple times to get... -
Option to change music played during questions
I think there should be an option to change the music played during the questions just like there is an option to cha... -
More space for quiz questions!
Considering the fact that you do not pay any fees to letters, why do not you add some more space to quiz question par... -
Question Pools
Greetings, I'm suggesting that Kahoot! incorporate a question pool feature into the Quiz Kahoots. Although you can ra... -
Post time estimate for games
It would be EXTREMELY helpful to know how long a Kahoot will take to play. You should easily be able to add a time es... -
Matching Question
It would be nice to add a matching question where the user will match the answers in two columns. This would help wi... -
Create A Class
Can you please create a feature where teachers can create a class and assign user names to students to eliminate inap... -
Show answers from participants before timer ends
To avoid "silence" during a live presentation it would be great if hosts can show participants answer before timer ru... -
Subscripts in answer choices
It seems that Kahoot recently updated the answer field and disposed of the ability to incorporate subscripts or super... -
Adjust or disable Team mode's "team talk"
BACKGROUND There are two game modes to choose from when hosting a live kahoot. In particular, Team mode adjusts gamep... -
Point deduction
It would be great to be able to deactivate the point deduction that depends from the response time. I got some slow r... -
Disable Correct Answer in Assigned Mode
We have employees cheating together because they're able to see the correct answer and communicate that to another pa... -
Time Increments
Currently there is no 15 second or even custom amount of time for students to answer a question. It goes from 10 seco... -
Choose your own adventure story for self paced kahoots and courses
Make written content more engaging using interactive stories. This can be used as a fun or serious training/learning ... -
Cleaner home page
The homepage is so cluttered. I would like a very streamlined home page that eliminates the columns of information. -
Allow the creator to record their own voice, instead of Text to Speech, for the Read Aloud feature.
I am creating a language-learning Kahoot for Latin American Spanish. I am fluent in speaking, reading, and writing in... -
What about let us post our own videos without the YouTube link?
To be honest, I like Kahoot so much. However, the videos can only be posted through a YouTube link or something like ... -
Music Options / Custom Timer
I understand that creating an option for custom countdown music might be hard, but if there could be a library of fre... -
Points for Drop Pin Questions
Points for dropping a pin correctly on a scheme or map -
Multiple Answers in Word Cloud
I usually present to smaller groups and so only being able to answer ONE word in a word cloud makes for a very uninte... -
View in slide sorter view
If there were a slide sorter view, it would be easier to move the questions around, reordering them -
Give some points even if wrong answer in "multi-select" questions.
Hello. I love to test my students with "multi-select" questions.The problem is that they get no points at all if they... -
See Other's Courses
Sometimes when I look at people's accounts, the long list of kahoots gets to be overwhelming and difficult to sort th... -
Questions without timers
Can you add questions that do not have timers? thanks -
Drop pin with correct answer
The current drop pin question type is only for collecting opinions. I'd love it if we could select an area of an imag... -
more answers for Puzzle question types
It would be awesome if we could have up to six answers in the "Puzzle" question type. I have a list of 5 things I wan... -
Text To Speech WITH Images?
Could we have text to speech with images?