Create and play
Export to excel
It's great being able to import from excel; but really helpful to do the reverse as well. It would mean you could ad... -
Music Options / Custom Timer
I understand that creating an option for custom countdown music might be hard, but if there could be a library of fre... -
"Classroom perfection?" Message Should Only Be For Education Users
One of the messages that shows up after a user has submitted their answers is "Classroom perfection?" even when the u... -
Bring back features
Please bring back the graphic used during a Kahoot to indicate double points instead of the tiny lettering that no on... -
Points for Drop Pin Questions
Points for dropping a pin correctly on a scheme or map -
Question Pools
Greetings, I'm suggesting that Kahoot! incorporate a question pool feature into the Quiz Kahoots. Although you can ra... -
Draft Feature
It would be great if there was a feature that would save a draft while we are creating. I just created a 20 question... -
Live teacher screen during live Kahoot
I use split screen with the live Kahoot with students playing on one screen and I would love to have a teacher screen... -
Question Import
A feature where we can import questions from prior Kahoots that we've created. -
Creating Kahoot
When creating a Kahoot: tabbing over to the next answer option should give us the ability to type options, rather tha... -
Allow comments
I'm embarassed when I realize that one of my Kahoots contains a mistake... many years after crating it. Wouldn't it b... -
Scheduled Challenges (Start Date and Time)
Suppose I’d like to create a self-paced challenge for tomorrow at 5pm but won’t have time to go on the internet tomor... -
Change Leaderboard View during game
When the leaderboards are displayed during a game, only the top five players are visible. The other players would lik... -
View in slide sorter view
If there were a slide sorter view, it would be easier to move the questions around, reordering them -
Allow the creator to record their own voice, instead of Text to Speech, for the Read Aloud feature.
I am creating a language-learning Kahoot for Latin American Spanish. I am fluent in speaking, reading, and writing in... -
Time Settings: Quickest, Fast, Medium, Slow, Very Slow, Slowest
I would like to set times for: Quickest; Fast, Medium, Slow, Very Slow, Slowest, and then be able to choose the speed... -
Deleting Multiple Questions at Once
Hi, I would like to be able to delete multiple questions at once. I have a master Kahoot (currently at 160 questions... -
Cleaner home page
The homepage is so cluttered. I would like a very streamlined home page that eliminates the columns of information. -
I suggest changing the order for the log. I propose to put the nickname before the pin code, more convenient so that... -
Clean dashboard and ads-free accesibility
SUGGESTION I would respectfully suggest a dashboard where we can easily find our own job. ISSUE I must say I get a b... -
ability to pay to raise limit of participants
In a business account, the maximum number of participants is 20 unless an annual membership is purchased. That isn't ... -
Font choices
Please add font options that would be more primary letter type. For learners who are just learning to read and ident... -
Choose your own adventure story for self paced kahoots and courses
Make written content more engaging using interactive stories. This can be used as a fun or serious training/learning ... -
Team mode
show result per team after each question + add team into the report excel file -
Colors on the answers
When you give red and green color on the answers we cannot see what color was before, so I think you could show the p... -
Add a suspend button (for the active question only, not the whole Kahoot)
I would like a suspend button which causes the current Kahoot in progress to wait until unsuspended. I use Kahoot m... -
Randomize colours for correct answer on single devices
When I use Kahoot in my Classroom there's always some student that says aloud "Yellow" or "Red", it's rally a simple ... -
Bigger font size in answer box
Can the font size of the text in the answer boxes be customizable? In big classes where Kahoot! is played, students a... -
Reopen a challenge/assignment to give extra time
I have it super often that my students forget to play or didn't have time yet to play. Then, the challenge finished a...