Create and play
Score without being the fastest
I would like to request a Game Options feature where the teacher can turn off how the scoring is done currently and m... -
Support for Dyslexic Students
It would be great if the Kahoot website had an option to read aloud the questions and answer options, but only reveal... -
audio with gifs and pics
I would be great if you can do the read text audio with a pic or gif. -
changing time limit per questions for all questions
Is there a way to change the time limit per question for all questions at the same time? I have been going one by one... -
Randomized Questions in solo play
When playing a kahoot alone, there is no choice to randomize the questions. I have to then host the kahoot and play i... -
Post time estimate for games
It would be EXTREMELY helpful to know how long a Kahoot will take to play. You should easily be able to add a time es... -
Ability to computer opponents (like those used in practice mode) with difficulty level to games. -
Sharing upgraded features
If I create a Kahoot that has upgraded features such as a exclusive background, or question type; what will happen if... -
Option to change music played during questions
I think there should be an option to change the music played during the questions just like there is an option to cha... -
Not enough space for questions & Answers
I teach nursing on freshman level. I use Kahoot for test review & drug calculations continuously.I require more space... -
It would be great if Kahoot! would include a read-aloud feature for younger students who are unable to read, or othe... -
Please add more than 6 answers
This would be very helpful for multi-select questions especially -
Apple TV App
I would love to have my Kahoots available on an Apple TV app. I don't always have a laptop available and we have Appl... -
Matching Question
It would be nice to add a matching question where the user will match the answers in two columns. This would help wi... -
Please Increase 100 Question Limit
I am very disappointed in Kahoot's recent decision to limit quizzes to 100 questions. I have contacted customer suppo... -
Remove the character limit from questions.
I use Kahoot to study with classmates in an advanced degree program and find the character limit hinders my ability t... -
Allow for a "void question" after students answer for when the teacher accidentally marks the wrong answer!
On a few occasions, I've duplicated a question but have forgotten to choose the correct answer on the duplicated ques... -
Ability to reopen an assigned Kahoot in the same Kahoot
It would be great if a teacher could extend the time on an assigned Kahoot after it has closed without having to star... -
Add a back button
Allow a button which goes back to the previous question (similar to the next button, but would not automatically star... -
Option to show/hide leaderboards between questions
BACKGROUND Between each question in a Quiz or Jumble, Kahoot! shows a top 5 scoreboard. Sometimes, game hosts want to... -
Option for students to play a Challenge multiple times
If I assign a challenge for my students for homework and give them several days in which to do it, it should allow th... -
Disable Correct Answer in Assigned Mode
We have employees cheating together because they're able to see the correct answer and communicate that to another pa... -
Suggestion for Improving Kahoot Quiz Creation Features
Hello, Kahoot Team, As a teacher in Korea who frequently uses Kahoot, I have found it to be an invaluable tool for en... -
Allow us to pick Lobby Music to use in the Kahoot Game
Right now we can select some really great alternative music but it is only used in the lobby. I would love to use it ... -
Ability to show images as answer option
BACKGROUND Kahoot! allows for an image/video to be displayed during gameplay while a question is asked. But this is n... -
Kahootit and audio files or video files
Suggest you allow users to upload mp3 files or video files rather than youtube being the only multimedia allowed. -
What about let us post our own videos without the YouTube link?
To be honest, I like Kahoot so much. However, the videos can only be posted through a YouTube link or something like ... -
Improve Kahoot
I'm a teacher and I would like to suggest some features to improve Kahoot. I think the space for images could be larg... -
Select the blocks question style
Hi I work in an ESL classroom and my students love kahoot. I love the puzzle style question. I recently was trying to... -
Make Kahoots Downloadable as a PDF
Suggestion: make Kahoots downloadable in a PDF worksheet format. Then I can use it in class in different ways!