Create and play
The Avatars In Kahoot
Kahoot has a variety of avatars that can be chosen in lobby to be your character. My friend and I have been friends f... -
Extending the end date of a Kahoot! Challenge
If would be great to be able to extend the end date of a challenge. -
Turn the Music OFF
PLease add the feature to turn Music off - immediately ! It's annoying and I find that I have to manually y mute the... -
Need ability to remove sound
Hello, when you play via screenshare the music makes it almost impossible - can you add a function to turn the sound ... -
Music Volume control
If you use kahoot at the end or during live events no problem, you can decide volume mix in between PC and microphone... -
During the quarantine, students should be able to see the questions on their screens.
Now that so many people are connecting with their students online, there should be an option for students to see the ... -
Question Display
Hello, Considering the pandemic with COVID-19, I was wondering if you could have the questions display on student dev... -
Please, if possible add - audio - where teachers can read questions and answers to K-1 students!
Add audio feature. This way teachers can read the questions and the answer choices for students to choose from. My ... -
It would be great if Kahoot! would include a read-aloud feature for younger students who are unable to read, or othe... -
Changing deadlines on a Kahoot Challenge
I would love to be able to change a deadline on a Kahoot Challenge once it is entered. -
Challenge Deadlines
I would love to be able to change deadline dates for a challenge in session. Snow days or other types of schedule ch... -
Allowing video links other than YouTube
It would be nice to be able to post video links in Kahoot! to other resources besides YouTube. -
Show questions and answers on the players screen
People far away from the projector cannot see the questions on the board and they may forget the question when read a... -
Challenge Mode
I love Challenge mode. But the end dates are sometimes too soon. I'd love to be able to put a 'no end date' for the... -
Please tell me there is a way to disable the music? Please for the love of all that is good in the world tell me how ... -
Please enable an option to turn off the music during the question. I am a Speech Pathologist using Kahoot for Telehea... -
Deleting a question should say question and not quiz.
I copied a quiz but wanted to delete several questions. When I hovered over the bars by the question and chose "Delet... -
Ability for Multiple Answer Questions
When creating, Kahoot gives us the option for having more than one correct answer, however, the students only have th... -
Please let me PUT THEM BACK TO BACK. I teach AP classes, my students are engaged, I don't need a software provider te... -
Timer while YouTube video is playing
Being able to start the timer immediately, not after the YouTube video is done playing, would be a great addition. I... -
Disable Answer Streak Bonus
With the new version you have not given us a choice to deactivate the answer streak bonus. This creates a situation ... -
PLEASE reinstate option to toggle off points
I am freaking out over the recent elimination of the option to turn points on and off in quizzes. I know I can create... -
Create a new mode that combines jumble and quiz
Create a new mode that combines jumble and quiz modes -
Adding images after the question has been answered in quiz mode
I would like to purchase the business version and use the quiz function for my service anniversary events, but I woul... -
Not enough space for questions & Answers
I teach nursing on freshman level. I use Kahoot for test review & drug calculations continuously.I require more space... -
Show questions and answers on the players screen
With larger classrooms it is very difficult for everyone to see the questions and answers on the projector screen, it... -
Increase character limits for questions and responses
I am using this in a university setting and often need more space than allowed for both questions and answers. -
can you extend the expiration date for challenges?
Hello Once you have set a challenge, can you modify the expiration date or do you have to set up a new challenge? -
Pictures as answeroptions
I work with 6 yearolds who still cant read. I would like to use pictures as the options for the answers. For ex. I pu... -
Cancel a Challenge
It would be nice to be able to cancel a challenge you sent out.