Centre d'aide et de ressources Kahoot!
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Comment pouvons-nous t'aider ?
Apprends les bases de Kahoot !
Créer et partager
Rends tes kahoots plus engageants en moins de temps.
Jouer et rapports
Trouve de nouvelles façons de jouer à Kahoot ! et de suivre les résultats.
Facturation et abonnements
Tout ce que tu dois savoir sur tes abonnements en ligne.
Découvre et collabore
Explore les kahoots prêts à l'emploi et rejoins les groupes de ton organisation.
Applications mobiles
Crée et joue n'importe où depuis ton appareil iOS ou Android.
Vote or suggest a feature, or ask questions and find answers.
Webinaires de formation
Demandez tout ce que vous devez savoir lors d'une session en direct ou regardez à la demande.
Pôle d'apprentissage
Take your skills to the next level with these free online Kahoot! training courses.
Video tutorials
Follow along with step-by-step instructions from the Kahoot! platform.
Channel partner portal
Access resources to help you get started as a Kahoot! channel partner.
Trust center
Get to know our legal terms, data handling practices, and security protocols.
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Whats new?
Escape classroom routine (and angry robots) with our new Robot Run ga...
Encourage teamwork, promote communication skills, and boost learning with our latest team-based game mode, Robot Run.
Kick-off 2024 with Kahoot!: latest updates and time-saving features f...
Are you seeking inspiration and fresh ideas to boost productivity and simplify lesson planning? Explore the newest Kahoot! updates, like exciting game modes, AI-enhanced...
Bring employee training courses to life faster with AI in Kahoot! Tur...
Discover how to build engaging, self-paced training for employees in minutes and make knowledge stick, with Kahoot!’s new content formats and AI-powered innovations.
Bring fun to fractions with our new ready-to-play cooperative math ga...
Motivate young learners to master the fundamentals of fractions through engaging level-based gameplay.