You can search for any public kahoots, including your own, by using the magnifier icon at the bottom of the screen. Search for a topic you want to find kahoots about, or enter someone’s username to find public kahoots made by them.
Keyword auto-complete
As you type, a list of matching popular terms will form underneath. Tap one to auto-complete your search query. Otherwise, use the “enter” button on your keyboard when you’re done (appearance varies based on your device, shown in the image above as a magnifying glass to the right of the space bar).
Filter results
After submitting a search query, you’ll get a list of search results. Above them will be “grade” and “Language” filters you can use to narrow your results. You can also swipe right to view popular tags associated with the keyword you searched for. Tap one of these to only see results that contain both keywords.
Kahoot details
Your list of results will include several cards, each for a different kahoot. Each card shows you the following details:
- The kahoot cover image
- Total number of questions
- The title of the kahoot
- When the kahoot was created
- The creator’s username
Once you find a kahoot you’re curious about, tap on it to see more details, such as:
- How many times the kahoot has been played by others
- How many times the kahoot has been favorited by others
- A short description of the kahoot, set by the creator
- Preview of all the questions
Favorite, share, and duplicate
To favorite a kahoot, tap the hollow star to the right of the kahoot’s title. If the star is full, then it’s already one of your favorites and you can quickly find it in the future from the Your games section in the bottom navigation bar.
Share, Duplicate, and Preview options are accessed by tapping the three vertical dots just right of the star.
Personal kahoots, team kahoots, favorites, and shared kahoots
You can browse your own kahoots, your team’s kahoots (if your account is licensed to have a shared workspace), kahoots you’ve favorited, or kahoots that have been shared with you by their creator. To access these, use the “Your games” button in the bottom navigation bar. Then select the relevant folder at the top of your screen.
I have not used Kahoot for 6 months. Came back to find a Kahoot and I don't see how.
What have you done with the easy to use, beloved Kahoot!
Whatever you've done, is NOT an improvement!
plae mt kahoot "leetrs fo the alfabit" it vewy goed
Let us find a USER by typing its name. Cant find my teachers Kahoot!!!!
There is no magnifier at the top! This is horrible! I want to find the Kahoot that was made by my teacher only! I don't want to scroll through a bunch of crap I don't need! I am in nursing school, I am already stressed and this just added more stress. This crap sucks for students. What genius thought this set up was a good idea! THINK!!
Where can we find pin numbers of Kahoots that are active? There should be a way to find public kahoots that can be joined at any time.
Doesn't help at all - not possible to search by author/creator.
Hi all!
For security/privacy, you can't search by someone's actual name. But using the magnifying glass on the Discover page, you can search by username. "Username" is an alias that a teacher/author/creator chooses when they create their Kahoot! account.
Happy Kahoot!'ing!
only i can see Questions & Anwers - 2nd or another player Not seen Question / Anwers on there mobile - only opions see-- can you pls help
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