It would be great if Kahoot! would include a read-aloud feature for younger students who are unable to read, or other students who have lower reading levels. This would allow the self-paced option to be more accessible for all students.
It would be great if Kahoot! would include a read-aloud feature for younger students who are unable to read, or other students who have lower reading levels. This would allow the self-paced option to be more accessible for all students.
Hi all!
Appreciate your suggestion as well as your patience. Our iOS and Android mobile apps now include a read-aloud feature!
Happy Kahoot!'ing!
I agree a read-aloud feature would make this a fabulous learning tool assessable to students with disabilities, ELL and younger students. Is there a compatible program that would facilitate this. My students have the Read&Write extension for Google but this does not seem to work. Any suggestion?
I would love some suggestions as well. I love Kahoot for older students and would like to use it for my kinders as well, but they need a text to speech option. Please someone make this a reality so Kahoot can be equitable to all students no matter age or ability.
When will you be adding read-aloud on student devices (Chromebooks)?
Read-aloud feature is available for free for all account types. Students should be able to use it on their devices. You can read more about this feature and how to add it to your kahoots via this link: https://support.kahoot.com/hc/en-us/articles/30572345883795-How-to-add-or-upload-audio-to-a-kahoot#h_01J0WXGR2W1WDA04JNX6XAJHRE
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