Learn how to add or upload audio to your Kahoot! quizzes with our easy step-by-step guide. Enhance engagement and make your kahoots more fun and interactive today!
The availability of the add or upload audio feature depends on your plan. Check the relevant pricing page to see which plans offer this feature:
Specifications: 💡 You can change the question type and retain the audio media. 💡 An image or video cannot be added unless you remove the audio media. 💡 You cannot create, edit and save games with this question type if you are not subscribed to a plan that includes this feature. |
Adding or uploading audio to your Kahoot! quizzes can significantly enhance the overall learning experience. Audio elements make quizzes more engaging, hold participants' attention longer, and cater to different learning styles.
By incorporating sound, you create a more dynamic and interactive environment that boosts participation and retention of information.
Add audio text to be read aloud
- Start creating a kahoot.
Click anywhere in the Find and insert media box when adding a question.
- A menu will appear with different media options. Choose Audio in order to see available options.
- Click Read aloud option and insert a text that will be read aloud by an automated voice.
- Click Listen to a preview to check the audio and then Add button.
☝️ Text to be read aloud can be up to 120 characters. ☝️ Supported languages are Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese. ☝️ If you are a mobile user, read more here. |
Record audio
You have the option to record audio and add it to your kahoot.
- Click Find and insert media box when adding a question.
- Click Record button.
- Once you record the audio, you can preview it or delete it.
Upload audio from your device
You can upload audio file directly from your device.
- Click the Upload file option.
- Click Upload media.
☝️ The max. file size: 50MB. - Find and select the file from your device.
- All done!
☝️ Supported audio formats: wav, mp3, ogg, mpeg. |
💡 Next steps 💡 ➡️ How to add or upload a video to a kahoot ➡️ How to make a kahoot public, private, or other ➡️ How to change kahoot settings 💡 Read more 💡 |
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