Do you need to quickly create a lot of kahoots? Are you running out of time but don’t want to give up on Kahoot!’ing? We’ve got you. With the AI-powered Kahoot! tools functionality, you can create games by just uploading a PDF file or describing what you need. Leave the rest to the AI.
☝️ If you're the owner of a shared workspace that includes access to AI, you can manage access to the AI features in the workspace's Team settings. Read more: AI access in Team settings.
Please note that you as the author of a kahoot utilizing AI-Question generator remain responsible for the accuracy and suitability of the content contained therein, as well as its compliance with Kahoot!’s terms and policies located in our Trust Center, including our Editorial Guidelines and Acceptable Use Policy.
Generate a kahoot with AI
With this feature, you can easily create a kahoot by selecting a topic, uploading a PDF, adding the URL to the Kahoot AI tool using the latest OpenAI model, GPT-4.
Generate kahoot based on a topic
- Open the kahoot creator.
- Type in the topic of your kahoots and click Generate to use AI-powered features. Keep it short and simple, for example, “Dog breeds” or “Space”.
💡 The character limit is 60. -
Edit or change the topic in the top search bar and click Refresh to generate new questions.
☝️ Please note, that this view is only available if you start generating a kahoot from the initial pop-up window in the kahoot creator.
💡 This AI tool supports different formats: ‘Quiz’ for predominantly points-based questions, and ‘Presentation’ for more slides and informative content designed for presentations. You can read more about our question types: Question types.
💡 You can create a kahoot in 19 different languages: English, Spanish, French, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Turkish, Polish, Norwegian, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Arabic, Ukrainian, Korean, Swedish, Danish, and Indonesian.
For more detailed information about the supported languages, you can check out the page What languages does Kahoot! support?
💡 Skill Level option allows you to specify the difficulty level of the questions created.
💡 Tone of voice option allows you to specify the tone expected.
- Review the questions and click the "Add all" button to insert all questions into your kahoot, or select specific questions you want to add.
- Click anywhere outside of the Kahoot! AI tool to access the kahoot creator. Here you can continue to edit your kahoot (you can edit the generated questions, add media to them, and create more questions).
- Save your game.
Generate kahoot based on a PDF file
- Open the kahoot creator.
- Click PDF to Kahoot to use AI-powered features.
Select the file from your device and upload it. The question generator will use the information included in the file to create questions and answers.
💡 Kahoot generator can process PDF files with around 154 pages.
- Click Continue and wait a moment. You’ll see a loading bar indicating the progress.
- You can edit your kahoot following the steps from Generate kahoot based on a topic guide.
Generate kahoot based on a web page URL
- Open the kahoot creator.
- Click Kahoot Generator to use AI-powered features.
Enter URL to site to generate a kahoot.
- You can edit your kahoot following the steps from Generate kahoot based on a topic guide.
How to generate kahoot based on Wikipedia article
- Open the kahoot creator.
- Click Kahoot Generator to use AI-powered features.
Enter the topic for Wikipedia article.
☝️You can easily change the language to look up articles on Wikipedia in your preferred language. - Click Continue and wait a moment. You’ll see a loading bar indicating the progress.
- You can edit your kahoot following the steps from Generate kahoot based on a topic guide.
Generate questions with AI
Generate questions based on a topic
Click Add question on the left-side panel and go to the Question generator tab.
Insert the topic into the topic field. Keep it short and simple, for example, “Books by Shakespeare” or “History of football”.
💡 The character limit for the prompt is 60.
💡 Kahoot! AI Question generator supports the following question types: Quiz, True/False, Slider, and Type answer. You can read more about our question types: Question types.
💡 The main language of the Question generator is English. Nevertheless, you can use it in other languages as well. The OpenAI models are optimized for use in English, but many of them are robust enough to generate good results for a variety of languages. - Click Continue and wait a moment. You’ll see a loading bar indicating the progress.
Generate questions based on a PDF file
Click the Upload PDF and Upload file buttons. Select the file from your device and upload it. The question generator will use the information included in the file to create questions and answers.
💡 Question generator can process PDF files with around 150 pages or 300k characters.
- Go through the questions and click the Add button to insert a question into your kahoot.
- Edit or change the description in the top search bar and click Refresh to generate new questions.
- Click anywhere outside of the Question generator to access the kahoot creator. Here you can continue to edit your kahoot (you can edit the generated questions, add media to them, and create more questions).
- Save your game.
Done! 🎉 You’ve just partnered up with AI to make learning awesome.
a nice interractive article
Nice addition to Ka hoot!
How are the questions verified? Here's a question generated that isn't correct.

How can we trust that the question/answers generated are authentically verified when they can be wrong at times. Below I've given an example of one, and I've seen others in the past that have had problems with correct answers. It seems we need to verify answers before we can add and save our progress with these errors being added by the generator.
Hi 5ynergy!
Thanks for the question. And you're 100% correct. AI has come along way in the last few years. But like humans, it makes mistakes. You still need to peer-review and edit. But you'll save lots of time nonetheless.
thank you
When I try to upload a pdf I get a message saying there is no text.
Hi kimberlybiggs! Are you able to manually drag-select text in your PDF and copy it into some other document? Some PDFs are access-restricted by their author, meaning a security feature exists on the file that prevents text from being copied. Some PDFs may have originated from a document scanner, meaning the pages are actually images and not editable text. Our PDF question generator currently requires that PDF text can be copied or edited.
Until we can improve this, you may want to search online for tools that can convert a "scanned PDF" to an "editable PDF". Running your PDF through such a tool might make it readable to our question generator.
Frankly, pretty disappointing. I loaded a document just over 5 pages, thick with terminology and definitions and all AI can generate is hardly 10 questions that make sense. If you ask to load more they are exactly the same questions with different pictures. I have subscribed to a few platforms to help speed up my work: yours is the most expensive and disappointing considering what could be possible.
I would like to create a set of questions from particular documents and then being able to make a quick kahoot randomly selecting a few from these sets: It does not seem to be possible... Especially using AI it would be a fast process and provide daily and varied challenges for students, but if your AI can only put together less than a dozen different and coherent questions from 5 full pages...
Hi apendola13! Greatly appreciate the constructive feedback. We're definitely working to make it smarter. A challenge with generative AI tools like this is that PDFs allow for an infinite variety of layouts for text to be arranged. Some will output brilliantly, while others won't. If this is a PDF you're willing to share with our team for research, please submit a help request with the PDF attached and an explainer of how we can reproduce the issue.
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