At the end of a live kahoot, the Game Over screen lets you “Save Results”, “Play Next” if you created a playlist, play a “New Game” of the same kahoot, or “Play Again” with ghosts.
Using player data from a past game, we’ll generate “ghosts” your audience can compete against. You can have a class of students compete against themselves to see if they can top their past scores, or have a different group of students compete against an earlier class.
“Play Again” later
Aside from playing again immediately after a game ends, you can also play again from your Reports page. Use the three vertical dots to the right of a past game to find the “Play Again” option.
How can I turn off Ghost? I cannot see if my students are getting the answers right if ghosts keep answering the questions.
How can you enable the podium for a kahoot that was once played and has historical data/ghosts? The whole podium experience is what makes Kahoot exciting. Having to wait or asking students to come back to the link may not work for adult learners.
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