All question types available on the web platform are also available in mobile apps. For guidance on the kahoot creator in our mobile app go here: How to create, duplicate or organize kahoots in the mobile app |
Go to kahoot creator and click Add question on the left-side panel to see all the question types.
You can use and combine these three different options to create a kahoot!:
💡 Check out the time-saving tools: import spreadsheet, import slides, and Kahoot! AI Question generator.
☝️ If you are a teacher without an EDU subscription, you may have limited access to the locked question types. You can read more about it here.
Question types marked with a star require an upgrade to a higher-tier subscription plan. Check what is included in certain subscription plans on the relevant pricing page:
Test knowledge
Collect opinions
Add slide
Test knowledge
Create a multiple-choice question with right and wrong answers.
Fast facts about quiz questions:
- Questions can be up to 120 characters.
- Time limit can range from 5 seconds to 4 minutes.
- Points can be toggled to 0, 1000, or 2000 points. You can read more about how points work here.
- Answers can be up to 75 characters or an image (if your subscription includes that). At least 2 answers are required (6 max), and at least one must be correct. The answers you leave blank, won't be displayed during the gameplay. You can toggle if players can select one or more than one answer.
- Adding more than 4 answer choices (up to 6) is available with certain plans.
- You can upload an image or choose one from our image library, or embed a YouTube or Vimeo video.
True or false
Create a question with true and false answers pre-filled.
Fast facts about true or false:
- Questions can be up to 120 characters.
- The time limit can range from 5 seconds to 4 minutes.
- Points can be toggled to 0, 1000, or 2000 points. You can read more about how points work here.
- Answers are “True” or “False” options and cannot be edited. Only one can be correct.
- You can upload an image or choose one from our image library, or embed a YouTube or Vimeo video.
Type Answer (
available with certain plans)
With Type Answer questions, you can eliminate guesswork and test how well learners recall content without cues by asking them to type the correct short answer! Players type in an answer which is validated instantly.
Fast facts about Type Answer questions:
- Questions can be up to 120 characters.
- The time limit can range from 20 seconds to 4 minutes.
- Points can be toggled to 0, 1000, or 2000 points. You can read more about how points work here.
- Answers can be up to 20 characters. At least 1 answer is required (4 max). Answers are not case-sensitive. Multiple spaces count as a single space. Emojis only count if there is no other text. The following punctuation is not validated: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } [ ] ; : " ' < , . > ? / \ | - _ + =
- When a work or home account holder presents a live session or assigns a kahoot, all submitted answers will display on the results screen. When a school or higher ed account holder presents a live session or assigns a kahoot, only correct answers are displayed.
- In order to gain access to the incorrect answers in the report, users with teacher (school) accounts need an EDU subscription.
- When presenting a live session, after your players responded, you can accept other submitted answers as correct so that they are awarded points. If you have a teacher account, you need the EDU subscription to be able to use this functionality.
- You can upload an image or choose one from our image library, or embed a YouTube or Vimeo video.
- You cannot create, edit and save games with this question type if you are not subscribed to a plan that includes this feature.
Puzzle (
available with certain plans)
Create a question with answers that must be sorted into the correct order. For example, you can sort math operators to logically complete a formula, order historical events, or arrange a series of steps to create a logical process.
Fast facts about puzzles:
- Text to be read aloud can be up to 120 characters and is separate from the question text.
- Questions can be up to 120 characters or an image.
- The time limit can range from 20 seconds to 4 minutes.
- Points can be toggled to 0, 1000, or 2000 points. You can read more about how points work here.
- Answers can be up to 75 characters. You can add up to 4 answers (min. 3).
- You can upload an image or choose one from our image library, or embed a YouTube or Vimeo video.
- If the same value is repeated in multiple answers, more than one sequence can be accepted as correct.
- You cannot create, edit and save games with this question type if you are not subscribed to a plan that includes this feature.
Quiz + Audio (
available with certain plans)
Create a question that reads aloud a string of text to players. This feature uses Microsoft Azure's text to speech service and supports 37 languages.
Fast facts about quiz + audio:
- Questions can be up to 120 characters.
- Supported languages are Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese.
- You can change the question type and retain the audio media.
- An image or video cannot be added unless you remove the audio media.
- You cannot create, edit and save games with this question type if you are not subscribed to a plan that includes this feature.
Slider (
available with certain plans)
Let players mark their answers on a scale using a slider. This feature is perfect for questions about values, years, and numbers. You can ask questions about the year of birth of an important person, solutions to simple equations, general knowledge, the price of a product, and many more!
Fast facts about slider:
- Questions can be up to 120 characters.
- Answers can be up to 10 characters.
- Text to be read aloud can be up to 120 characters and is separate from the question text.
- Time limit can range from 10 seconds to 4 minutes.
- Points can be toggled to Standard (1000), Double points (2000), or no points (0). 20% of the score is the speed and 80% is the precision.
- You can choose the answer margin: none (only correct answers will be awarded points), low, medium, high or maximum (all answers are awarded points; the closer to the correct answer, the more points). Answers within this margin are accepted.
- The number of steps for this slider adjusts automatically based on the inputted values.
- The value of each step on the slider will automatically adjust based on your min. and max. Values.
- Unit can be added after clicking Add answer. You can insert any unit within 20 characters limit. It does not affect the behavior of the question.
- You can upload an image or choose one from our image library, or embed a YouTube or Vimeo video.
- Players can control the slider with the keyboard. Use the left/right and page up/down arrows.
Pin answer (
available with certain plans)
Ask your players to pin the answer on an image. When creating the question, you can define the correct area of any size and shape. It's perfect to test your players' knowledge regarding locations and anything represented on an image.
Fast facts about pin answer:
- Questions can be up to 120 characters.
- The time limit can range from 20 seconds to 4 minutes.
- Adding or selecting an image is obligatory for this question type.
- It's not possible to add GIFs or videos to pin answer questions.
- Points can be toggled to Standard (1000), Double points (2000), or no points (0). Read more about how points work here.
Collect opinions
Poll (
available with certain plans)
Create a question to survey your audience - no answers are right or wrong here. Participants won’t be awarded points and will not see a leaderboard afterward.
Fast facts about polls:
- Questions can be up to 120 characters.
- Time limit can range from 5 seconds to 4 minutes.
- Answers can be text up to 75 characters or an image. You can toggle if players can select one or more than one answer.
- You can upload an image or choose one from our image library, or embed a YouTube or Vimeo video.
- You cannot create, edit and save games with this question type if you are not subscribed to a plan that includes this feature.
Word cloud (
available with certain plans)
Give every participant a voice and see their input visualized. With this question type, participants won’t be awarded points and won’t see a leaderboard afterward.
Fast facts about word clouds:
- Questions can be up to 120 characters.
- The time limit can range from 20 seconds to 4 minutes.
- Answers can be up to 20 characters. Each player types in a response which will display in a word cloud. Popular responses will display in a larger font.
- You can upload an image, choose one from our image library, or embed a YouTube or Vimeo video.
- You cannot create, edit, and save games with this question type if you are not subscribed to a plan that includes this feature.
- The after-game report includes a visual representation of the word cloud with the top 10 ideas. Click Download answers (PDF) to see the full word cloud.
Brainstorm (
available with certain plans)
Keep everyone engaged and energized during in-person and virtual meetings with brainstorm, a gamified way for teams to collect, discuss, and vote on ideas.
Fast facts about brainstorm:
- The time limit can range from 30 seconds to 4 minutes (the default is 120 seconds).
- Players can submit up to 5 ideas with up to 75 characters per idea. The creator can set the number of ideas in the kahoot creator.
- The submitted ideas are automatically grouped using AI. The presenter can click in the top right corner of the idea and select the Ungroup option if the automatic grouping is incorrect.
- Presenters can regroup ideas by dragging them together.
- Players will have up to 180 seconds to vote on their favorite ideas. The voting time depends on the number of ideas.
- There is no limit to how many ideas each player can vote on.
- The top 3 ideas will earn 1000 points per vote.
- Voting on your idea will not award you points.
- During assignments, ideas can only be submitted (not grouped or voted on).
Drop pin (
available with certain plans)
Players drop a pin on top of the image you select for the question. All the answers will be shown together on the big screen.
- Questions can be up to 120 characters.
- Time limit can range from 20 seconds to 4 minutes.
- It’s not possible to set up points for this question type.
- You can upload an image or choose one from our image library.
- It’s not possible to add videos to this question type.
- Players drag the image on their devices to place the pin in the correct spot.
- After the players submit their answers the pins will be will visible on the host’s screen. The host can hide them by clicking on the icon in the bottom left corner.
Open-ended (
available with certain plans)
Allow your participants to share their thoughts freely. Collect feedback, ideas or opinions from your players and increase interaction during or after your game!
Fast facts about open-ended:
- Questions can be up to 120 characters.
- The time limit can range from 20 seconds to 4 minutes.
- Answers can be up to 250 characters. Each player types in response and chooses a word to highlight. Responses will display on a scrollable wall.
- You can upload an image or choose one from our image library, or embed a YouTube video.
- You cannot create, edit and save games with this question type if you are not subscribed to a plan that includes this feature.
Scale (
available with certain plans)
The scale question type allows you to collect data on attitudes, views, and opinions that is easy to analyze and compare. Ask the participants to select the number on the scale that best reflects their answer to the question.
Fast facts about scale:
- On the right-side panel, you can select the type of your scale - Likert (1-5) or Custom.
- If you select the Custom option, you can choose the value of the first and the last point on the scale (from 0 to 10).
- On the right-side panel, you can also select the type of label that will determine the meaning of the extreme points on the scale. Select Custom to insert your labels.
NPS Scale (
available with certain plans)
- The results are categorized into three groups: Detractors, Passives, and Promoters.
- The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is then calculated by assessing the distribution of these responses. This scoring method helps gauge overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.
- The results are visually presented utilizing colors such as red, yellow, and green. This visualization aids in easily interpreting the feedback, with each color representing different levels of customer sentiment.
It would be cool to be able to make a mix of two modes ex: Jumble and Quiz as lets say you have a quiz about a game so first question is a quiz ex: what is the best weapon. Then the next would be a jumble ex: what is the best weapon. This would make it simpler as you would not have to make 2
Yes I would like to do that to, I was wondering if that was possible, but ok I think it´s not.. Too bad!
So what happens to my old surveys if I don't upgrade to Pro?
I had an idea where the features such as polls and slides could be premium features for now, but then be realized to the public later. Kind of like a beta feature!
I generally like the idea of Kahoot! Thanks for this interesting product. However, I must say that I am not 100% convinced by the game design.The fact that you can have multiple correct answers, but players can only choose one answer instead of "logging in" all the correct answers, sort of defeats the purpose of multiple correct answers. So basically one correct answer and three blanks are the standard which I find very limiting questionwise. The fact that this isn´t a bug, but a feature makes me doubt that I will use Kahoot a lot in my lessons!
Please, I want two slides in a row.
It would greatly benefit the users and creators of personal Kahoot! presentations and quizzes with a little more flexibility in regards to allowing two slides in a row. Trying to use Kahoot! as a safety presentation with questions imbedded is not possible without allowing multiple slides before a question.
Very good changes! Thx. But true/false questions are in english only? Can I somehow change it so that I don't have all quizz in polish and true/false answers in english?
how do I get slides, puzzle , bank feature
Having more slides in a row would be much more better for explanation.
Does Jumble have to be a premium feature? It's a really fun question type, and I don't understand why non-premium users can no longer make Jumble quizzes. Could you please make Jumble a free feature again? :(
Why can you only have 100 questions?
Please include an audio recording feature (so I record a word or a phrase and the students write the answers based on what they hear.)
I would like features that teachers would use to be part of the Pro! account. Features aimed at corporate and whole school (large numbers of users) to be in the Premium. I have a Pro! account and feel that open-ended questions should be available to me without upgrading again. I'm sure that adding more features to Pro! would tempt people still using Kahoot for free to upgrade.
I would like audio questions features so that I can have my students hear and spell their spelling words. Or Where I could write the word and then choose choices as audio-based. I think this would be great for younger students.
Can you make this work on chrome books? Or at least does it for any types if accounts?
It would be good as the Host to be able to award points to the person with the closest answer e.g. if the answer was numerical e.g. a year, you could award the points to the closest guess
Mis estudiantes no pueden ver la preguntas, qué puede hacer?
I also need an audio feature. At least for reading the questions. The reason is that we have English classes for ages 3-5 and not all of them can read yet, but they would benefit from kahoots.
Also, it is great that I can upload a picture in the answer, but why does it have to be a choice between picture OR written text? It would be awesome, if I could use both in my answers :) Thanks!! Overall kahoot is a great product and we love using it !!
is there a template to import different types of questions (quizzes, polls, true false etc)?
Is there a plan that gives you more than 120 characters to type with per question? It would be AWESOME if there was plans that had double that or triple the amount or unlimited.
There should be an option of marking the best open ended answer immediately after submissions are made.
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