Sharing knowledge and organizing material is vital to our community. To facilitate that we offer groups. You can build curated banks of content that are targeted to specific use cases and individuals of your choosing – from within your organization or from an external group.
Kahoot! groups: Overview
- Groups created within a shared workspace and their content are visible and accessible to all its members (excluding the limited members).
- A group owner and members (if enabled) can invite members from outside of a shared workspace.
- The group owner can enable members to share and assign kahoots shared in the group.
- Owners can remove members from their groups.
- Members can comment directly on group posts, enhancing team collaboration and interaction (available with certain plans).
- Group members don’t have to share the same plan with the group owner and other members.
- Students under 16 years old (regardless of location) cannot create or join groups.
Kahoot! groups: FAQ
Is there a limit to how many groups I can create?
The number of groups you can create depends on your plan level and user type. You can check that on the relevant pricing page.
- Higher education pricing page.
- School K-12 pricing page.
- Personal pricing page.
- Business pricing page.
How many people can I invite to a group?
The number of people you can invite to a group depends on your plan level and user type. Check the relevant pricing page below.
Please note that as an admin you also count toward the total number of people in your group.
- Higher education pricing page.
- School K-12 pricing page.
- Personal pricing page.
- Business pricing page.
I have Kahoot! plan for personal use. Can I create a group?
Yes, you can create as many groups as your current plan includes.
I just shared a game with a group and changed my mind. What can I do?
As the kahoot creator, you can remove the kahoot from the group at any time.
As an admin of a group, I want to make sure that my group’s kahoots are carefully curated. How can I manage the kahoots added to my group?
As an admin, you can disable members from sharing their content in the group and remove any kahoot from your group.
I want to invite users to my group, but I don’t know if they have business accounts with Kahoot!. Will they be able to join my group?
Yes. As long as the user is not under 16, they will be able to join your group as a member.
I want to create a group, but it says I need to upgrade. What does this mean?
The number of groups you can create depends on your plan level and account type. If you follow the notification prompting you to upgrade, you’ll be directed to our plan options that allow a higher number of groups. Here, you can find the best plan for you.
Can members of a groups edit kahoots?
If the group was created in a personal workspace, members will be asked to duplicate the kahoot before editing.
If the group was created in a shared workspace and the member is part of the same shared workspace, they won't be required to duplicate the kahoot before editing.
I was invited to a group, but I don’t see it on the Groups tab. What happened?
In order to see group content, you must first accept the group invitation via your email. Be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see it in your inbox! Additionally, make sure you're checking the Groups tab of the correct workspace.
My plan allows for 8 people to be part of my group, but I can only invite 7, what happened?
Please make sure to count yourself, the admin, as part of the group. So if you have a plan that allows for 8 people in a group, that means the maximum number of people in your group is 7 members and 1 admin (you).
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