Kahoot! quiz reports: how to find and use kahoot reports. To find out how your participants perform, check out the report. Learn more.
The availability of the Reports feature depends on your account and subscription type.
☝️ You must be signed in to your account when hosting a live game for Kahoot! quiz reports to be accessible from your Reports page in the future.
☝️ Your Reports view shows different content depending on the currently active workspace. This is why it’s important to be mindful of the current workspace you are navigating. Each of the workspaces has its own Reports view. If you cannot find your report, try checking other workspaces using the left-side panel.
How to find a Kahoot! quiz report
- Log in to the account you used when hosting or assigning the game.
- Go to the workspace you used when you hosted or assigned the game.
- Click Reports on the left-side navigation panel.
- Locate the game session you need a report on by looking at the title of the game, date, and number of players.
💡If you are the owner, admin, or a member of a shared workspace with an active team subscription, you can choose the Hosted by you option, which only shows reports from games you were the host of.
☝️ Limited members cannot access reports within the shared workspace.
💡 Reports can be filtered by Live games, Assigned kahoots, Courses, and Kahoots with player identifier. They can be sorted by Name, Date, Game mode, Created by, or No. of players. Click on the desired filter or sort option to adjust the list of reports.
💡You can find out how to find and restore a deleted report here.
💡The owner of the workspace can change access to the reports in the Team settings.
How to use a Kahoot! quiz report
💡On the report page you can:
- Rename report by clicking the pencil icon next to the title
- Download report by clicking the three vertical dots next to Report options
- Print report by clicking the three vertical dots next to Report options
- View Other reports from this kahoot by clicking the three vertical dots next to Report options
- Delete report by clicking the three vertical dots next to Report options
- Play again
- View and share podium
💡In the Summary section of a previous live game or assignment you can see:
- Average score,
- The number of players who joined the game,
- The number of questions in the game,
- Duration of the session (only live games),
- Game mode,
- Date of the session,
- Username of the host,
- An option to share and view the podium.
💡In the Summary section of an active assignment you can see:
- The available ways to share and invite players,
- The option to change the deadline or end the assignment,
- The option to compete in this assignment,
- The start and end dates.
💡The bottom three sections give you valuable actionable insights:
- Difficult questions - which questions were most difficult.
- Create - this option is available if there were more than 3 difficult questions that were answered correctly by less than 35% of players. It allows you to quickly create a kahoot with problematic questions to reinforce learning.
- Need help - which players need follow-up.
- Didn't finish - which players haven't completed the game.
Click on Players to see a detailed leaderboard with correct answers (%), unanswered questions, and final score.
💡 You can click on a player to view their results.
💡If it's a report from an assignment, you can also click three vertical dots ⋮ on a player to remove them. It's not available for live game reports.Click
☝️It's not possible to rejoin a session with the same nickname, even if the player was removed from the session's report.
You can look at the results question by question to see how the entire group performed.
💡Click on a question to view detailed analytics.
☝️The Get feedback option is not available when you're hosting via our mobile app.
At the end of a live game, click Get feedback to send out a standard feedback survey to players. Responses will be aggregated here.
Missing a Kahoot! quiz report
💡 Check the Reports tab across all the accessible workspaces (you can switch between workspaces using the left-side panel). Instructions on how to switch between workspaces can be found here.
💡Check the Trash folder, which can be accessed from the top right corner of the Reports section.
💡If the reports is not found, contact us and include the following details:
- The account username you were signed in with
- Title of the Kahoot that was hosted
- URL to this kahoot's details page
- Did you host it as a simultaneous live game or a self-paced assignment?
- When was this particular game played?
- How many players joined?
💡 Next steps 💡 ➡️ How to find endgame reports in the mobile app ➡️ Guide to Kahoot! reports API 💡 Read more 💡 ➡️ Kahoot host: how to host a live kahoot |
haista paska
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