Per our Children Privacy Policy, U.S. students under 13 and non-U.S. students under 16 have the following limits:
- They cannot sign in with email (must use username or Apple, Google or Microsoft single sign-on).
- On the Discover page, they can only browse/search through our K! Studio and partner content.
- They cannot share kahoots.
- They cannot make kahoots public (visible to everyone).
- Other users cannot share kahoots with them within the platform.
- They can only start assignments with featured kahoots.
When a U.S. student turns 13, or a non-U.S. student turns 16*, they’ll be prompted to verify their date of birth upon login. Once verified, any age-based limitations will be lifted from their account.
*Please note: Students in Korea must be at least 14 years old to create a Kahoot! account. Accounts cannot be created before this age.
How does Kahoot! know a students' age and region?
During account creation, students provide their date of birth. Also, our system automatically determines if they're in the U.S. or elsewhere based on where they are when the account is created.
Can these be changed?
Date of birth and region cannot be changed. Per our Terms and Conditions, users are responsible for providing accurate information. If either of these were inaccurate during account creation, the only way to fix this is to delete the account and start again.
I didn't sign up as a student but accidentally changed my account type to "student". Can this be fixed?
You can contact our support team who can verify why this happened and revert the change. But please note that we cannot change an account's account type unless the account was originally able to change its account type.
This really is inconvenient. I'm a teacher and I sometimes assign students to create an original Kahoot with their content and they can't even share it with me. This should be changed for those who are using an educational domain email address.
I concur with limbruglia's comments that teachers should be enabled to be attached to student accounts to allow students ability to share their work with us. That would be fantastic!
I agree with the above statements. kahoot should allow sharing of students under the age of 13 with their teachers so we can help edit their work and share it with others who would use the kahoot.
It is very disappointing to younger students who love the kahoot product and want to share their work with the teachers and classmates.
I have an autistic student that just turned 13 and had a behavior break because he can’t access his Kahoot. How about making the age restriction 16 years worldwide.
What is the point of allowing students to make accounts if they can't do ANYTHING with their Kahoots except make them? Why would they even be allowed to make Kahoot quizzes? I would even be happy to be a verifying email for my students if that is required, but what should they do with their Kahoot accounts except play the games?
Has nothing been done about this issue ?
Not allowing kids to share with their parents is also a problem. Needing to login as the child to see their work is ridiculous.
I like how everyone who argues here are children and act like parents.
It's really annoying and I want to delete the account and I can't just because its a child account
Especially during this COVID crisis, it would be nice if students could post the kahoots they are making on our online classrooms so that they could play each others' games.
I completely agree with above statements regarding linking to a teacher account. I just had an assignment for students to study habitats and then create Kahoots about them... but they can't share their work with me!
I agree as well. I like them to make a Kahoot about a certain topic, and then quizz with the whole class. Now they have to send me pictures of their questions so that I can re-make the kahoot and actually use it. Very annoying and takes up too much time.
I think Kahoot should make it much clearer about this sharing rule. My students can't share the Kahoot with me (their teacher) and it is extremely frustrating.
There should be a way the students can share their Kahoot with a teacher or guardian.
It is also a shame that Kahoot doesn't respond to these comments people have made.
Same here. Very frustrating for the students and for me.
As a teacher I want to be able to use the Kahoot my students have created and also have the report for evaluation. Can't emails of students be linked to a teacher account? If not it really should be modified so I could access my student's Kahoot.
Agree with everyone here - same issue! Especially now with remote learning. Fix this Kahoot!!!
I am experiencing the same problem as everyone above.
My students have created their own Kahoot's as part of an assignment and their peers cannot access them.
I really think an update needs to be made regarding sharing permissions on created Kahoot's of users under 16.
4 years later and you have neither paid attention to the comments, nor done anything about it. It is really frustrating.
What is the point of sharing a Kahoot with a link if students can't play it without making an account, only to try to make an account and be told they can't? Kahoot went from an easy-to-use classroom tool to something I can only use with the whole group. Your competitors are making it way easier than you and therefore more likely that I will use them!
Thank you all for your feedback.
We understand your concern about younger students wanting to share their work with teachers and classmates. However, due to privacy regulations, Kahoot! currently does not allow students under the age of 13 in the U.S. (and under 16 outside the U.S.) to share their content publicly or with other accounts. These young students can present their own kahoots live to their class but cannot make them public or share them via a link or with another account. This policy is in place to protect the privacy and safety of young users.
This was implemented to enhance the security and personalization of the learning experience. However, we recognize that this can be a barrier, especially in classroom settings. To address this, we are working on features that will allow easier access for students. It should simplify the process and make it more user-friendly.
Has there been any progress on allowing teachers to access the Kahoots their students create? I just had students create Kahoots this week and they are disappointed that they can't easily share them with me and their classmates. It also makes playing them more difficult. I can project to the board from my device but not always from theirs.
Hi @debracsikos_vandrasi!
Thank you for reaching out regarding the issue of students sharing their kahoots. Due to our Children Privacy Policy, students under 13 in the U.S. and under 16 in other countries cannot share their kahoots directly.
However, there are workarounds to address this issue - you can download our Import Questions spreadsheet template and send it to your students. They can fill in the template with their questions and send the file back to you. You can then create a new Kahoot on your account using their questions.
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