How to cancel a web subscription

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  • Buyer beware. If you purchase through a school account they will continue to charge you even though you do not have access any longer, when you leave that school.

  • PAZ44_4600 I only signed up because it said I could cancel at anytime and you would not charge my account for one year only one month. I signed up for a, paid monthly, account over one year. I tried to cancel and the online statement said the account would end in 2018. I used the account for less than 30 hours. The Kahoot page didn't save my updated edits so my game at university had copy paste edit mistakes. It also didn't save my 10 and 30 second timings for the true false questions. I want to cancel my subscription. I'll pay for the month but i don't want to pay for a year. Sept 19, 2023 11:58 Pacific Time.

  • The new plans are terrible. I've used Kahoot for years with the Premium for schools (individual teacher) plan and created many original quizzes for my students. That plan cost me $72 per year. Now if I want to continue to use the quizzes I made that contain 'type the answer' type questions, I have to upgrade to a package that costs double the price. This is disgraceful. I already trialled the most expensive package and found out very quickly that it is not suitable for my needs. I do not use Kahoot for lessons or assessments, only fun review quizzes, and the new AI assist feature still needs a lot of work. Thankfully Kahoot customer services cancelled that subscription very quickly and refunded my payment. However, I was not returned to my original plan and instead have been left with more expensive and less satisfactory options. Beware before you buy.


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